Monday, May 27, 2013

Conspiracy Theories

You've seen movies where aliens invade bodies and transform normal humans into crazed, bizarre individuals or maybe even unearthly creatures.

The M. Night Shyamalan 2008 movie, "The Happening" ... depicted visitors to NYC Central Park suddenly going crazy, committing suicide; originally, investigators suspected a terrorist chemical attack; then it appeared that plants were giving off toxic chemicals because humans were destroying them.
I once met a man who cited that movie as a Solid Source for why our country is "going to hell". He truly believed that forces intent on destroying our nation were using plants and other sources to constantly attack our minds and change our thinking.
Sorry, did I hear you laugh?
That is a common reaction to "conspiracy theories" ... until the theory is one that you accept or certainly don't challenge.
The JFK Conspiracy is still alive and well; there are still those who believe we have never set foot on the moon.
The 9-11 Conspiracy ... claims that our own nation sent those planes into the Twin Towers.
I've always debunked Conspiracy Theories and stated as such in my now infamous KMOV Facebook post, but one viewer wrote, NOW, maybe you believe.

A Conspiracy Theory is like a tiny worm that crawls into your ear and inches its way into your brain. Once it digs in deep, the worm begins to release poisons. You begin to hear and see things that others don't, and then your brain begins processing events in a way that some might see as distorted, but in your mind: It all makes perfect sense.
Be honest. How many times have you heard something that others were calling a Conspiracy Theory, and maybe a few years ago you would have started laughing, but now, you have just the tinest thread of doubt that begins to grow:
Did we hide evidence of UFOs?
Does the government have a device to create and direct tornadoes and hurricanes?
Did President Bush steal the election?
Is Bin Laden really dead?
Is Obama Care going to destroy our country?
Is the IRS being used against political opponents?
Despite the variety and maybe far-fetched questions ... did any of those hit a nerve, raise an eyebrow ... maybe get a quick, YES!

So, back to creatures crawling into our brains, there really is such a parasite.
Toxoplasma Gondii has been documented as changing human behavior. Some scientists believe that maybe 60% of the world's population might be infected by Toxo G.
There are various suspected sources of how humans get this parasite, but the source most named is ... the household cat.
Or is that just a Conspiracy Theory ... spread by dogs?



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